What To Practice


So you have a handgun, you know how to safely operate it….Now what? When you go to the range, what targets should you be using?  What skills should you be practicing, and what drills actually isolate and develop those skills?  And what’s considered “good”?  How does your score on a drill compare with the rest of the shooting community?

This class is all about practice.  What to practice, how to practice, and most importantly–how to track your progress.

Class Description

“When I go to the range I don’t know what to do.  I shoot, but I don’t actually practice anything, or know if what I’m doing is the right thing, and I don’t know how to tell how ‘good’ I am at any particular skill.”  If that sounds like you, this class is just what you need.

Structured practice is the only sure way to develop skill in any activity.  Unfortunately many shooters don’t know what structured shooting practice looks like.

This class will isolate shooting skills into marksmanship, recoil management, and weapon manipulation.  Then we’ll talk about what drills and targets are appropriate for developing and isolating each of those aspects of shooting.  You’ll learn how to document and track your progress, how to evaluate your shooting strengths and weaknesses, and how to practice these skills in dryfire.

Expect to shoot a lot in this class.



Class Details

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